About Us

About Us

The Harpersville church is a group of people who have agreed to work, worship and function together as a family of believers in Christ in Harpersville, AL.  While we come from all walks of life and have unique personalities and abilities we are drawn together by our Lord Jesus Christ and thus are united together in Him.

We are striving to be like the Lord in all we think, say and do, and to practice 1st Century Christianity as best we can in the 21st Century.  As such, we are an independent, autonomous team of saints, and are not a part of any man-made religious group, organization, association or denomination.  Also, we believe that the work Christ has given local churches to do is spiritual in nature; therefore, we do not provide social, recreational or entertainment activities or events.

Our Sunday worship assemblies consist of several "together" activities talking to God in prayer, praising Him in song, communing in eating the Lord's Supper, studying God's Word and contribution of our financial blessings.  We also gather on Wednesday nights to seek God and His will together through further study of His Word.

We invite you to visit us, get to know us and let us help you come to know Christ!